SEIKE Tsuyoshi
(Professor/Division of Environmental Studies)
Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies/Environmental consideration of architectureDecision-making process on how to construct architecture which can contribute to the environment

Career Summary
1987: Graduated, Department of Archtecture, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
1989:Graduated,Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Architecture, The University of Tokyo
1991: Research Associate, The University of Tokyo
1999: Doctor of Engineering from The University of Tokyo
1999:Assicuate Professor, The University of Tokyo
Educational Activities
Graduate S chool: Environmental Management Engineering for Architecture and Social Space
Research Activities
Environment conscious construction (1999-)
Research on dismantling building (1999-)
Calculation of the environmental impact of construction (2005-)
1) Shuichi Matsumura, Tsuyoshi Seike: What is Curtain Wall (2005), Precast C oncrete S ystem A ssociation
2) Tsuyoshi Seike, Takashi Akimoto: Sustainable Housing (2003),Toyo K eizai I nc,.
Other Activities
Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ)
Japan Sustainable Building Consortium (JSBC)
Future Plan
Our research activities primarily focus on two themes.
The f irst theme is the environmental consideration of architecture, a major aspect of urban life, through the developmental processes of construction,
maintenance, improvement, rehabilitation, conservation, and destruction.
The s econd theme is the decision-making process regarding how to construct architecture that can contribute to the environment.
Both of these themes are related with the discussion including the use of the environmental information system in spatial planning and policy.
For example, we examine the exterior wall system, which is deeply connected with the outside environment, through out the design process and construction from the perspective of building construction.
Furthermore, we discuss information systems for building construction technology that can contribute to the environment.
Messages to Students
Let's improve our specialty, and conduct novel research together that exceeds the current boundaries in our field and work to expand perspective.