KOTANI Kiyoshi
(Professor/Division of Environmental Studies)
Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies/Mathematical Biology and Bioengineering/Nonlinear dynamics, Statistical physics, biomedical signal processing, Human interface

Career Summary
March 2003 Dr.Eng., Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (UTokyo)
April 2003 Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, UTokyo
November 2006 Lecturer, Graduate School of Frontier Science, UTokyo
September 2011 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Science, UTokyo
April 2014 Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, UTokyo
August 2014 Associate Professor, RCAST, UTokyo
April 2023 Professor, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, UTokyo
Research Activities
Recent advances in experimental and analytical techniques have revealed that biological systems are organized more precisely than ever imagined to perform various functions. We have been developing measurement methods and theories for dynamical systems to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of complex biological phenomena. We also applied the fundamental biological findings to a wide range of fields such as diagnosis and human interfaces.
Specifically, we have conducted studies on: (a) developing theoretical methods for nonlinear and time-delayed stochastic systems on complex networks, (b) understanding working memory and other cognitive functions using multi-scale brain models and noninvasive brain measurements, and (c) high-speed brain-machine interfaces using virtual reality.
The topics for our research group are as follows:
Mathematical theory for dynamical systems in biology
Dynamics of gene-regulatory networks with time-delayed interactions
Elucidating information processing in the brain using multi-scale brain models and noninvasive brain measurements
A signal processing method for precisely evaluating blood flow in the brain
Robotic ultrasound examinations to prevent lifestyle related diseases
A support system for manufacturing workers using non-invasive evaluation of the autonomic nervous system
Novel brain-machine interfaces based on augmented reality
1. Nishi H*, Mizuno S, Fujino K, Loe, I. A, Wang Y, Ishide T, Jimbo Y, Nangaku M, and Kotani K*: Motion-capture technique-based interface screen displaying real-time probe position and angle in kidney ultrasonography, Clinical and Experimental Nephrology 26, 735-740, 2022
*Equal contribution
2. K. Kotani, Y. Ogawa, S. Shirasaka, A. Akao, Y. Jimbo, and H. Nakao: Nonlinear phase-amplitude reduction of delay-induced oscillations Physical Review Research 2, 033106, 2020
3. K. Kotani, I. Yamaguchi, L. Yoshida, Y. Jimbo, and G. Bard Ermentrout, Population dynamics of the modified theta model: macroscopic phase reduction and bifurcation analysis link microscopic neuronal interactions to macroscopic gamma oscillation, Journal of the Royal Society of Interface 11, 20140058, 2014
4. K. Kotani, I. Yamaguchi, Y. Ogawa, Y. Jimbo, H. Nakao, and G. Bard Ermentrout, Adjoint Method Provides Phase Response Functions for Delay-Induced Oscillations, Physical Review Letters 109, 044101, 2012
5. K. Kotani, K. Takamasu, Y. Jimbo, and Y. Yamamoto. Postural-induced phase shift of respiratory sinus arrhythmia and blood pressure variations - insight from respiratory-phase domain analysis. American Journal of Physiology, Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 294: H1481-H1489, 2008.
6. K. Kotani, Z. R. Struzik, K. Takamasu, H. E. Stanley, and Y. Yamamoto : Model for complex heart rate dynamics in health and diseases, Physical Review E, 72, pp.041904-1-8, 2005