(Professor/Division of Environmental Studies)
Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies/Computer technology in general

Career Summary
2005: B.S. in Computer Science, California State University, USA
2007: M.S. in Geosystem Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2009: Certificate in Digital Contents Creation, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2010: Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2001: Project Technical Director, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan
2008: Research Assistant, RCAST, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2009-2010: Research Fellow, JSPS, Japan
2010: Part-time Lecturer, Kanto Gakuin University, Japan
2011: Project Researcher, JAIST, Japan
2011: Researcher, Cyber Interface Lab, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2012-2013: Project Assistant Professor, CSIS, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2013: Visiting Researcher, AORI, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2013: Part-time Lecturer, Statistical Research and Training Institute, MIC, Japan
2013: Assistant Professor, CSIS, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2017: Associate Professor, CSIS, The University of Tokyo, Japan
2020: Professor, ITC, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Educational Activities
Graduate school: Human Computer Interaction, Soundscape, Sensor Network Computing
Research Activities
1. Natural Environment-Profiling: Live Sound-Landscape Monitoring and Archiving Experiences
2. Internet of Animals: Carrier Pigeon Oriented Wild Animal-Borne System as Distributable Spatial Information Sensors
3. Human-Computer-Biosphere Interaction: User Interface Design towards a Sustainable Society
1. Hill Hiroki Kobayashi[FRU3][a4] and Hiromi Kudo. Acoustic Ecology Data Transmitter in Exclusion Zone, 10 km from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, LEONARDO / Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology (MIT Press), Volume 50, Issue 2, pp. 188-189, 2017.
2. Hiroki Kobayashi, Hiromi Kudo, Vicki Moulder, Michael Heidt, and Lorna Boschman. Fukushima Audio Census, In Proceedings of the CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI EA 2017), Denver, Colorado, USA, pp. 1393-1398, 2017.5.6-11.
3. Michael Heidt, Vicki Moulder, and Hiroki Kobayashi. Non-Human Writers--Digital Media as Means for Equipping Non-Humans with Auctorial Powers. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Media and Textuality (ICDMT 2016), Bremen, Germany. DVD, 2016.11.4-5.
4. Ko Makiyama, Keijiro Nakagawa, Maki Katayama, Miho Nagasawa, Kaoru Sezaki, and Hiroki Kobayashi. Synchronization of peripheral vision and wearable sensors for animal-to-animal interaction. In Proc. of HCII 2015, Los Angeles, August 2-7, 2015.
5. Hill Hiroki Kobayashi. Human-Computer-Biosphere Interaction: Toward a Sustainable Society, More Playful User Interfaces, Part of the series Gaming Media and Social Effects, Springer Singapore, pp. 97-119, 2015.
Other Activities
Editorial Board Member, British Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
Advisory Committee, Human Probe Society, HCG, IEICE
Member, GIS Association of Japan
TPC Members, Interactive Art, ACM Multimedia
Member, Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry
Member, The Virtual Reality Society of Japan
Member, World Forum for Acoustic Ecology
Member, Soundscape Association of Japan
Member, The Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
Future Plan
I want to work and feel the feeling of belonging to nature without causing environmental destruction and in which human and nature can coexist.
Messages to Students
Don?ft be afraid of failure. In fact, embrace it. Doing things differently from others always comes with risks. But with each risk taken, there is something new to learn.