Nuclear Fusion Research Education Program

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update 2024/03/04
Inomoto lab.
Using the spherical tokamak UTST as the main experimental apparatus, research at the Inomoto laboratory focuses on experiments aimed at the realization of high-beta configurations for high-performance fusion plasmas, establishment of high-beta plasma heating and maintenance methods using neutral particle beams, and realization of an internal current steady state plasma source with the aid of rotating magnetic fields.
Ejiri lab.
Our research focuses on the investigation of plasma instabilities and novel measurements techniques through the spherical tokamak TST-2. The Ejiri laboratory is also involved in several national and international collaborations.
Ono Yasushi lab.
We are conducting basic research on the generation, maintenance, and heating of ultra-high beta plasmas in spherical tori (ST, FRC, etc.) aimed at improving the economic efficiency of fusion reactors, as well as research on plasma merging and magnetic reconnection with nuclear fusion and astrophysical applications. Our main experimental devices are Hongo's spherical torus TS-4 and Kashiwa's spherical tokamak UTST (in collaboration with Ejiri Lab).
Ono Ryo lab.
We are engaged in applied and basic research using reactions of active species generated in plasmas. In addition to a wide range of applied research, including plasma medical applications, environmental applications, aeronautical engineering applications, ignition combustion applications, and surface treatment, we also conduct laser measurements and simulations.
Kajita lab.
Using linear plasma devices, we are investigating plasma-material interactions and developing plasma diagnostic techniques. We are also focusing on the phenomenon of nanofuzz, which is formed by the interaction between metals and helium plasma, and we are also working on the industrial application of the fabricated materials.
Shinohara lab.
On the Kashiwa campus, we are conducting plasma physics research using a spherical tokamak device (TST-2) or developing novel diagnostics and analysis methods. We are also conducting joint research with facilities in Japan and overseas. In particular, we are conducting research and development of diagnostics and analysis tools for JT-60SA, which was newly constructed at the National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (Ibaraki), by using the data measured in its predecessor JT-60U.
Yamada lab.
We are conducting research using the Large Helical Device (LHD) located in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, as experimental platform.
Our focus is the understanding of the physical properties of ultra-high temperature plasmas confined by the magnetic field of LHD, which reach 100 million degrees. In particular, we investigate transport characteristics of heat and particles and control techniques aimed at the operation of nuclear fusion reactors.
Kobayashi lab.
We are working on plasma radiative cooling of peripheral region in nuclear fusion reactors and its impact on confinement performance. We are conducting our main experiments on the LHD device at National Institute for Fusion Science, as well as through collaborations with overseas experiments, such W7-X (Germany) and EAST (China).
We are also conducting joint research in the fields of synchrotron radiation science and astrobiology in order to explore the common scientific principle behind divertor plasmas in nuclear fusion devices and interstellar plasmas.
Sugama lab.
In plasmas, large numbers of charged particles and electromagnetic fields generate various and complex physical phenomena through electromagnetic interactions. To realize fusion energy, it is necessary to understand and predict such complex plasma behavior. Therefore, in our laboratory, we study collisional transport, microscopic instabilities, and turbulent transport with an emphasis on drift kinetic theory and gyrokinetic theory.
Todo lab.
We are conducting research on high-energy particles and magnetohydrodynamic phenomena in magnetically confined plasmas using large-scale computer simulations through supercomputers. We are promoting joint research both in Japan and overseas, targeting the large helical device (LHD) and tokamaks.
Saitoh lab.
The Saitoh laboratory conducts experimental research on high-performance plasma generation and structure formation, focusing on the RT-1 magnetospheric plasma experimental device. Using the excellent confinement properties of magnetospheric configurations, we are advancing research aimed at realizing antimatter plasmas such as positron plasmas.
Tanabe lab.
Focusing on merging spherical tokamak experiments, we are working on heating and transport phenomena inside the plasma core by applying advanced diagnostics techniques. We actively search for new ideas using the TS-6 device, which is more flexible than large-scale experiments. In recent years, we have been actively promoting international joint research including cooperation with the ST40 experiment of a British fusion venture.
Tsujii lab.
We study fusion plasma generation and control using plasma waves through experiments and numerical simulations. We develop advanced tokamak operation scenarios using waves on the TST-2 spherical tokamak, as well as perform numerical modeling of wave heating on large fusion experiments such as JT-60SA and LHD.
Usami lab.
Magnetic reconnection is a process in which magnetic field energy is released explosively, and is a universal phenomenon observed in various plasmas. We reproduce magnetic reconnection by particle simulations with the aid of supercomputers and investigate the phenomenon in detail. Our main research theme at present is the investigation of the mechanism of plasma heating that occurs through magnetic reconnection.
Nishiura lab.
We are conducting basic research on plasma heating, high performance plasmas, and confinement physics using the magnetospheric plasma device RT-1. For this purpose, we are developing advanced measuring instruments tailored for fusion plasmas. We are also conducting joint research on plasma transport using advanced measurement techniques with the large helical device LHD located at the National Institute for Fusion Science.
Tamura Lab.
The study on how particles (especially impurities) and heat move in high-temperature plasma in the core of magnetic confinement fusion reactors has been performed based on their transient responses induced by injecting tracer-encapsulated solid pellet (TESPEL) developed by our group into the high-temperature plasma. We are collaborating with many research institutes, including the National Institute for Fusion Science (LHD) and the National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST) (JT-60SA) in Japan, and the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (W7-X) in Germany.