GSFS FRONTRUNNERS: Interview with an entrepreneur | vol.41

New Values from Life’s Discoveries

Future with Medical AI

To join the master’s program, I wrote about “Biology and IT.” That was the starting point of my journey in the field of medical AI. I studied cell physiology, researching image analysis of cells at Professor Seiichi Hasezawa Laboratory at the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS). After completing my master’s course, I began preparing to start a business with the university lab members while working for another company. I founded a company that does image analysis in the life science field called LPIXEL Inc., of which I became the chief operating officer.

Based on the company motto, “New Values from Life’s Discoveries,” our company is committed to two businesses. One is IMACEL, an AI to accelerate the pharmaceutical creation process. We have offered our bioimaging technology to many pharmaceutical companies. And we have just concluded a package agreement with Daiichi Sankyo Inc. in July 2022.

The other project is the development of EIRL, an AI for a diagnostic imaging support system based on the concept of “AI, together with doctors.” EIRL was officially approved as a deep learning–based medical tool program in 2019. In addition, EIRL was Japan’s first program among several similar kinds. As of January 2023, we have sold the program to approximately 350 institutions.

Since the beginning of my association with the GSFS, I have always believed that biology would become engineering in the 21st century. To begin with genome deciphering, the world is now seeking the truth of life at an amazing speed. I am confident that engineering will gradually develop in areas wherever possible. I was inspired by my experiences in Silicon Valley, and since then, I have always been confident that I can be the best in the world in dealing with image analysis in the medical field. Medical imaging quality is very high in Japan; conversely, there are not enough specialists in this field. Besides increasing the number of expert doctors in the area, it is clear that AI is essential. This understanding inspired me to start a full business in medical AI in 2016.

An image by EIRL

The GSFS Respects and Nurtures Students’ Will

I studied at the GSFS to earn my master’s degree and a Ph.D. I graduated from the master’s course, worked for some companies, and then started my business. Later, I joined the doctoral course in 2016 and researched analyzing bioimages with Professor Hasezawa. I was lucky to have lab members who were open and excellent. I chose my research topic based on my interest; however, I faced many difficulties while working on it because there was no previous research to seek guidance from. However, the atmosphere in the GSFS was to respect and nurture the students’ will. I developed a similar culture in my company. Perhaps I would never have started my business if I had not studied at the GSFS. I started my business on weekends at first. I recommend adding starting a business or getting a job at a venture business to your future career options. There are chances that you may not succeed in academia or large companies, but your chances of success in a venture enterprise may be high. It may prove to be a good opportunity for you.

I am discussing the establishment of the business with the members.

Chief Operating Officer, LPIXEL Inc.

2019 The Department of Integrated Biosciences, the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (received a Ph.D.)
2014–present   Chief Operating Officer of LPIXEL Inc.
2014 KLab Inc.
2013 Gree, Inc.
2013 The Department of Integrated Biosciences, the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (received a master’s degree)
