
Information Regarding Changeover of the Academic Affairs System at UTokyo

Release:Dec 1, 2016
  • News

Dear GSFS students and faculty members,

This is to inform you of the following notice from the Student Affairs Group, Education and Student Support Department.

GSFS Student Affairs Section


21 November, 2016

To All Students and Academic and Administrative Staff

Information Regarding Changeover of the Academic Affairs System at UTokyo

We would like to express our thanks to all your support and cooperation with the use of the University’s academic affairs system.

As you are aware, currently there are two systems being used in the University; “UTask-Web” in the Junior Division of the undergraduate level, and “UT-mate” at all other levels of the University.
Since 2013 we have been working towards the development of UTAS, the UTokyo Academic affairs System which will merge the existing
two systems. We are now in the final stages of the process, and are carrying out trials with the aim of a changeover to the new system
next January.

Please find below the proposed schedule for the changeover, and we would be grateful for your understanding and cooperation
during this period for any inconvenience that the changeover may cause to the users.

[Schedule for Changeover]
The plan for the cessation of the current system
and activation of UTAS is as follows.

-Termination of current systems (UTask-Web + UT-mate) 
…12:00hrs on 28 December 2016
-Activation of UTAS (UTokyo Academic affairs System)
…09:00hrs on 4 January 2017

*Please be aware that the automated transcript issuing machines
will not be operating between 09:00, 28 December 2016 to 23:59,
4 January 2017.

[Logging onto UTAS]
You will use your UTokyo Account to log onto UTAS.
Those who are already using the existing systems will be able to use the system without the need for special procedures.
Currently the address for the log in page has not been fixed, but the plan is to make it possible to transfer to the page from the log in screen of the current systems once UTAS has been activated.

                   Student Affairs Group
                   Education and Student Support Department


PDF file of the above notice