
Call for participants: Internship at MIT

Release:Oct 20, 2021
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We offer an opportunity for doctoral course students, including 2nd year master course students who are admitted to enroll in UTokyo doctoral course, to participate in the Internship at MIT, Boston during the period starting from early March to late May 2022.
Students who are interested in joining the Internship should obtain approval form their supervisor and submit the application by 9:00 am on Thursday 4th November, 2021 to Associate Professor Kazuo Hiekata by e-mail.
Eligibility Doctoral course students at any UTokyo Graduate Schools, including 2nd year master course students who are admitted to enroll in UTokyo doctoral course
Internship period stay at MIT in Boston from early March to late May,2022
Not International Students Program
This is an Internship program, not International Student Program.
Participants may not register absence from school during the stay in MIT.
Therefore impact to the progress of your thesis must be well discussed with your supervisor before applying to this program.
Travel expense hotel expense, return air fare and daily allowance are paid by the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo
Internship activity Team activity at MIT in relation to "Optimal System Design" and "International Systems Design Workshop"
The student will develop a simulation program using python.
See the template in the following link.
Estimated effort: 6 hours/week (Wednesday afternoon, by the end of Feb, 2022)
70-80% of time (From March to May, 2022 at MIT)
Supervisor's permission applicants must obtain approval from supervisor before submitting application
Application Document
completed application form, as attached, must be submitted by the date shown below.
If scores are the same,earlier applicant will be selected.
Application Form (submit AP_Form_v4.docx)
Selection process and notification Application form submission: by 9:00 am 4th November, 2021
Interviews: from 9th November to 12th November, 2021
Notification to selected students: 15th November, 2021
Inquiry Associate Professor Kazuo Hiekata
gtl [at] (Please change [at] to @)
Notes The program may be changed because of COVID-19.
We will follow the UTokyo guidelines.


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