Honors & Awards

Doctoral Course Student Ms. Takeuchi Won the JSPB Student Award and Excellent Paper Award from the Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology 2022

Release:Sep 28, 2022 Update:Oct 21, 2022
  • Honors & Awards

Ami Takeuchi, doctoral course student of the Department of Integrated Biosciences, received both Student Award 2022 and Excellent Paper Award 2022 from the Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology by her paper "Development of High-Efficiency Genome Editing Technology for Metabolic Engineering of Potato Starch", which she wrote when she was a master's student at the Graduate School of Advanced Engineering, Tokyo University of Science. She attended the award ceremony, which was held during the 39th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology at Osaka Metropolitan University, to receive the certificate of commendation on September 12, 2022.

Comments from Ms. Ami Takeuchi
I am truly honored to receive two glorious prizes, the Student Award and Excellent Paper Award. I am extremely grateful that the outcomes of my research activities I have been conducting so far and my first academic paper was recognized this way. I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Hiroaki Shimada, who has always given me valuable advice, my collaborators, and the laboratory members. Encouraged by these awards, I am determined to devote myself to research.

For more details, check the website of the Japanese Society for Plant Biotechnology .


Left: President of JSPB, Dr. Kaoru Yoshida Right: Ms. Ami Takeuchi