Honors & Awards

Associate Professor OHTANI Misato of the Department of Integrated Biosciences receives the 29th JSPP Young Investigator Award from the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists

Release:Apr 1, 2022 Update:May 23, 2022
  • Honors & Awards

OHTANI Misato, Associate Professor of the Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, received the 29th Young Investigator Award from the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. The awards ceremony was held on March 23, 2022, online.

2022 JSPP Young Investigator Award from The Japan Society of Plant Physiologists
Elucidation of the post-transcriptional gene regulation to control cell differentiation in plants
OHTANI Misato, Associate Professor, Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

Acceptance comments:

This is my great honor to receive such a prestigious award. I could never receive it without supports of my supervisor, Prof. SUGIYAMA Munetaka (Univ. of Tokyo) who led me to the field of totipotency and Prof. DEMURA Taku (Institute of Science and Technology) who introduced me a new genre of research, water- conducting cell differentiation, and all the research collaborators. And the last but not the least, all the lab members I have been working with. I sincerely would like to thank them all. This award encourages me to put more efforts to my research. I will try my best to contribute to developing plant physiology research.


Left: KOCHI Takayuki, JSPP President
Right: OHTANI Misato, Associate Professor

For more details, please refer to: Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists Incentive Award.

*The contents of this page were developed based on a machine translation.