Honors & Awards

Research Associate Y. Terao and Professor H. Ohsaki Won the Overview Article Award from CSSJ

Release:Jun 6, 2023 Update:Jun 12, 2023
  • Honors & Awards

Yutaka Terao, Research Associate, and Hiroyuki Ohsaki, Professor at Ohsaki Laboratory, were awarded the Overview Article Award from the Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan (CSSJ) for their coauthored article, and the certificate was conferred at the award ceremony held on June 1.

Awarded Article:
Technology Trends of Superconducting Rotating Machines for Aircraft Propulsion Systems
Yutaka Terao and Hiroyuki Ohsaki

Link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jcsj/57/2/57_71/_article/-char/en

The award is given to only one article annually selected from the multiple overview articles published in Teion Kogaku, the CCSJ Journal. Their article was chosen from Vol. 57 of the journal. Professor Terao, the first author, received the award certificate, the medal, and an additional prize at the ceremony.

Message from Awardee:

It is a great honor for me to receive this award. I would like to thank everyone who supported me at work, the CSSJ, and my family.

The significance of overview articles is to plainly explain the most advanced research in an academic field to people unfamiliar with the area. However, writing it is difficult in a different way from writing an ordinary research paper. I contemplated over and over how to write explanations, arrange figures, and show formulas to better convey the information to readers. Therefore, I am delighted to receive such an honorable award.

It is always challenging for me to explain my research simply and interestingly when I talk to people with different backgrounds on many occasions, such as the Open Campus Days event, conferences, etc. Nevertheless, research on superconducting rotary machines (motors and power generators) and electric aircraft is fascinating. I believe they will be critical issues in the coming carbon-neutral society. I will continue doing my best for my research so that I may live up to this honor.
